Designating Open Space Adjacent to the Ninth St Greenway between Heinz Ave and the Berkeley-Emeryville border as a Linear City Park Pursuant to BMC 6.42 Transgender Awareness Month and Day of Remembrance Resolution Budget Referral: Vision Zero Improvements at 6th & Addison Intersection (funded) Budget Referral: Dreamland for Kids Playground […]
Community Safety
November 14, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today the Berkeley City Council’s Health, Life Enrichment, Equity & Community (HLEEC) Committee unanimously passed District 2 Councilmember Terry Taplin’s proposal for the City’s newly-formed Office of Racial Equity to incorporate workforce development services for the recently incarcerated (known as “adult re-entry”) and development […]
May 5, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dear District 2, I was born and raised in West Berkeley, and have lived in the neighborhood currently bearing the brunt of increasing gun violence for most of my life. Berkeley is a diverse community, and while we may not always agree on particulars, […]
May 4, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE I am grieving the loss of another neighbor in the district. We must never let gun violence become an acceptable, routine part of our lives–it is a terrible tragedy and we must do everything in our power to stop the bloodshed for good. The […]
April 29, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Last week, the City Manager’s Office presented a Reimagining Public Safety implementation plan with budget recommendations. This plan includes reinstating most deferred positions in the Police Department, as well as strengthening funding and institutional support for a Specialized Care Unit (SCU) and other community-based […]
March 9, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE I am heartbroken by the news of Anthony Joshua Fisher’s murder. I am grateful for the hard work of the Berkeley Police Department’s homicide detectives to investigate this heinous crime and arrest the suspect. They have fulfilled the highest duty of our officers of […]
The following items have been approved by the city council. Outstanding budget referrals will need to be funded in upcoming budget cycles. Write to the council to support West Berkeley’s budget priorities! Berkeley City Council Unanimously Passes CM Taplin’s Hazard Pay for Grocery Store Workers Resolution Recognizing Housing as Human […]
September 27, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “I am disappointed by District Court Judge Edward Chen’s decision to keep people living at the Ashby Shellmound encampment. A freeway exit is not a stable, secure, or sustainable location for anyone, let alone vulnerable and marginalized individuals. The City of Berkeley, Alameda County, and our community partners […]
September 24, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “It has been just 20 days since my last statement on a shooting in District 2. I am heartbroken by the news of two more shootings in our community last night, with one that sent a young girl to the hospital. I am relieved to hear that her […]
I have called this community home for thirty three years and believe that all of us and our families deserve safe streets, safe parks, and safe neighborhoods. Throughout my term, I have met with neighbors throughout District 2 to hear their public safety concerns, have supported the formation of neighborhood safety […]