3/20/22 LifeLong Medical Vaccine Pop Up at Office Hours in San Pablo Park

Bring ID and Vaccine Card
Schedule an Appointment:
Registrar para clínica de vacuna:
Sunday March 20
12pm - 1:30pm
LifeLong Medical Vaccine Pop Up 
at Office Hours in San Pablo Park
Pfizer 5-11y.o and Pfizer 12+

LifeLong Medical Vaccine Pop Up at Office Hours in San Pablo Park

Sunday March 20 12pm – 1:30pm

Pfizer 5-11y.o and Pfizer 12+

Bring ID and Vaccine Card

Schedule an Appointment: https://tinyurl.com/LMCComVaxE

Registrar para clínica de vacuna: https://tinyurl.com/LMCComVaxS