Diego Aguilar-Canabal
Designating Open Space Adjacent to the Ninth St Greenway between Heinz Ave and the Berkeley-Emeryville border as a Linear City Park Pursuant to BMC 6.42 Transgender Awareness Month and Day of Remembrance Resolution Budget Referral: Vision Zero Improvements at 6th & Addison Intersection (funded) Budget Referral: Dreamland for Kids Playground […]
Join my office and I at our 9th Street Greenway Cleanup! Saturday, June 17 | 12 – 1 pm RSVP here Questions: TTaplin@berkeleyca.gov
Join my office and I at our Berkeley District 2 Public Safety Forum! We will be joined by the Berkeley Police Department and its Community Services Bureau. Questions? Email TTaplin@berkeleyca.gov. Thursday, June 15, 5 – 6:30 pm Zoom Link: http://tinyurl.com/CMTTsafety61523 RSVP here
April 2023 TO: Dee Williams-Ridley, City Manager <CManager@cityofberkeley.info> RE: Memorandum on Berkeley Ceasefire D2 Ad Hoc Advisory Group The District 2 Council office convened a series of meetings with local stakeholders and subject matter experts to better understand the operations of violence prevention programs and the challenges local governments may […]
November 14, 2022TTaplin@cityofberkeley.info Councilmember Taplin Statement on Police Misconduct Allegations I am deeply disturbed and troubled by the recent surfacing of texts exhibiting anti-homeless andanti-Black racial bias distributed by an officer of the Berkeley Police Department. There can bezero tolerance for racism, bigotry, and hate anywhere in our city, let […]